FREE SEAS SB was born with a specific purpose
strive for our planet to breathe again.

Join Us
FREE SEAS SB, brings together technical-scientific skills, entrepreneurial backgrounds, knowledge of organizational models, attention to new technologies but above all it embraces the deep conviction that as man is the cause of the environmental problems that afflict our planet, so is the man who can find tools and solutions.

The water
Although water is the element on which life is based as we understand it, it does not get all the attention that is necessary for its preservation. Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are the physical collector of most of the pollutants produced.

The earth
The Earth is the element on which we rest our physical presence on the planet, the close contact we have with it produces a direct transmission of elements harmful to life, for example through the fauna that obtains its nourishment from the earth itself.

The air
Air is the element without which life as we understand it, both animal and vegetable, would not be possible. The conservation of this environment, perhaps the most sensitive to changes (heating, presence of polluting concentrations), is the first action that human nature must take to maintain the conditions necessary for the continuation of life.
FREE SEAS S.r.l. Società Benefit
Via F.lli Fontana, 36 – 38122 – Trento – ITALY
Capitale Sociale 12.500,00 € i.v. – P.IVA 02551010222